A 13-month-old chimp named Fumo carries a 'Christmas present' of food treats in wrapping paper under his arm during a Christmas-themed feeding time at Sydney's Taronga Park Zoo, December 9, 2014. Fumo, meaning "chief" or "spear" in Swahili, is one of the latest additions to the zoo's successful primate breeding program. (REUTERS/Jason Reed)
موضوعات مرتبط: طبیعت ، حیوانات ، ،
A police officer walks among 152 black wooden crosses placed by the NGO Rio de Paz during a protest on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014. Black wooden crosses were planted on the sands of Copacabana beach in memory of police officers killed in Rio de Janeiro state between 2013 and 2014. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)
موضوعات مرتبط: طبیعت ، ،
The camels were thunderstruck at the sight of the ocean. They had never seen so much water. They would stop, turn to stare at it, leap sideways, look at one another with their noses all pointed and ridiculous, then stare at it again, then leap forward again. Photo: Rick Smolan
موضوعات مرتبط: طبیعت ، خوراکیها ، ،
Fabulous Food by Yunhee Kim
Dinner menu for Every Day with Rachael Ray. Canon EOS 5D Mark II and 90mm f/2.8 Canon TS-E tilt-shift lens; 0.4 sec at f/8, ISO 100. Photo: Yunhee Kim
موضوعات مرتبط: خوراکیها ، ،
Mike waiting for the storm at Cheyenne, Wyoming, June 2014. (Mike Mezeul II/Caters News)
A photographer has weathered some of America's most violent storms to capture these stunning snaps. Storm chaser Mike Mezeul II, 30, has traveled all over the US to shoot the likes of mammoth thunderstorms and surreal cloud patterns. His incredible collection of storm images are the result of more than 15 years of photography and thousands of miles of travel. The photographer, from Frisco in Texas, USA, became interested in storm chasing aged 16 when he got his first car. He has since shot ferocious storms as far north as the Canadian border and as far south as Mexico. (Caters News)
موضوعات مرتبط: طبیعت ، ،
A man carries a sign with some of Eric Garner's last words, "I can't breath," in protest against recent decisions by grand juries in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases, December 4, 2014 in Washington,DC. On Wednesday, a grand jury declined to bring charges against a white New York City Police Officer in the chokehold death of Eric Gardner, sparking further unrest in the wake of a grand jury's decision not to indict former Ferguson, Missouri Police Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
A white New York City police officer was cleared Wednesday in the chokehold death of an unarmed black man stopped on suspicion of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes - a case that sparked outrage and drew comparisons to the deadly police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.
The decision by the Staten Island grand jury not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo added to the tensions that have simmered in the city since the July 17 death of Eric Garner. In the neighborhood where Garner died, people reacted with angry disbelief and chants of "Eric Garner."
موضوعات مرتبط: اجتماعی ، سیاسی ، ،
مسابقه ورزش بوکس بطور رسمی در ششصد و هفتاد و هفت سال قبل از مسیح در بیست و سومین بازی المپیک در هاین که اولین نبرد این ورزش است شروع شده و «ابراستوس» اهل سمیرنا در این مسابقه فاتح و قهرمان شناخته شد.اینکه قدیمیترین نبرد بوکس به چه نوع صورت گرفت و چگونه با یکدیگر میجنگیدند معلوم نیست. چنانکه در تواریخ روم ذکر شده است که طرفین مشتهای خود را به چرمهای خامی محکم بسته و سعی میکردند که با ضربات محکمی از این مشتهای سخت و سنگین حریف را از پای در آورند. البته این مسابقات بدون رعایت وزن بدن انجام میشد.
ملائکوماس که پدرش نیز چهل و پنج سال بعد از مسیح فاتح بوکس و قهرمان المپیک گردیده بود عموم رقیبهای خود را تنها با فن (نه با زور و قدرت) مغلوب میساخت. مسابقههایی که بدین صورت وقوع مییافت بدون انقطاع بود و دائماًّ در میدانهای مسابقه یک ورزشکار با قهرمانان آماده بنبرد بوده و هرکس که از بین تماشاچیان داوطلب مسابقه بود دست خود را بلند میکرد. ملائکوماس قهرمان رومی که در اکثر نبردها ورزشی بدین نوع فاتح میگردید بالاخره در یک مسابقه که حریف او کشته شد اشتهاری بسزا یافت. در این مسابقهها قهرمانان دوره امپراتوری روم دستهای خود را باآلتی شبیه به دستکش که روی آن میخهای محکم فولادی کوفته شده بود مجهز میکردند و نیز یک نوع دستکش مخصوص دیگر که از چرمهای سخت و محکم در دست میگرفتند و مسابقه را شروع میکردند. با استفاده این دستکشها در هر مسابقه یکی از دو طرف حتماً سخت مجروح یا مقتول میشد سبب شد که مسابقههای بوکس بدین شکل ترک شود. در واقع بازی بوکس با از بین رفتن مسابقههای المپیک توأم گردیده و در سال ۴۰۰ بعد از میلاد قهرمانان ورزشهای مختلف بوکس را به کلی فراموش کردند. در همان عصر یا چند قرن بعد ورزش کشتی گیری که مخاطرات ان کمتر از اینگونه بوکسها نبود متداول شد و از ورزشهای عمومی گردید...... ادامه مطلب
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی ، ،
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A four-metre-long crocodile has killed a South African golfer who went for a late night swim at a dam called Lake Panic in Kruger National Park, a park official said on Friday.Deep sea diver Jacques van der Sandt, 29, was dragged under water by the crocodile at around 10 p.m. (2000 GMT) on Wednesday and was later found in the jaws of the reptile, which was killed in order to recover the body."It had him in his mouth and was swimming in the water with him," Danie Pienaar, acting head of Kruger National Park, told 702 Talk Radio. "It was in the public area ... we also don't know if there is anything wrong with the crocodile," he added, explaining the reasons for shooting the animal.Local press reported Van der Sandt had been drinking in the clubhouse before he went looking for golf balls, jumping into the lake where there is a resident crocodile.
موضوعات مرتبط: طبیعت ، ،